My oh my what a wonderful weekend!!
I had a wonderful Garden party to go to with Floss (see previous post) and on Friday night i had a wonderful night with my eldest little boy. My hubby went night fishing (his first time in years), so, my son and i put the little one to bed, got changed into our jimmer jammers, sat on the sofa with a big fluffy blanket and ate pizza and chips whilst watching The fox and the child (beautiful film). We then scoffed down some choccy icecream and took a hot chocolate up to bed. We read stories and it was wonderful!!
We had a great big roast dinner too.
This is my eldest and his Daddy riding their bikes. Well, actually it's Daddy riding the small bike and my son riding Daddys bike!
And this gorgeous dress that i had seen in Asdas free magazine. So this morning i scooted down there and nabbed one(It only came into the shops yesterday). They didn't have my size, but so many women were grabbing then that i picked one up a size bigger (I'll change it if i can, or alter it if not).
I found these to gorgeous books in The factory shop for £1 each!!
I hate to wear things that others have, and i know i'll probably see this everywhere, but i really loved it. Isn't it so pretty?!
I have to agree, the dress is fabulous!
What a great weekend and how lovely to be able to spend quality time with your eldest!
Love the dress and loving the idea of 'where bloggers create' but I don't think I want to show my kitchen table lol so will look forward to seeing everyone elses!
Beki xxx
Yes the dress is fab and what a bargain!
What a great dress! Maybe she can grow into it?
You could always make the dress into a skirt, then you would be different and it would fit better too. Just an idea, but it is lovely. Love those books you bought. The mice are so cute aren't they? Glad Daddy had a lovely Father's Day weekend.
the dress is great! im sure you can tweak it some how. where theres a will theres a way
Hi, The china smashing looks very therapeutic! For years I've been saving all broken bits from 'accidents' with my stock and will one day (a million years away) do a mosaic table for the garden:)
Lesley X
Pretty blog :)
Your new dress is gorgeous. You're so lucky I see things in magazines all the time but I swear they're made up as I never seem to find them in store!!!
Victoria xxx
looks like you had a lovely weekend!
You've done it again with your beautiful taste in clothes!!
Really pretty.
Love the version of The Velveteen Rabbit too - one of my favourite books.
Love Charlotte
Looks like a great weekend. Love the dress :)
Your 'snuggly' night with your little boy sounds perfect, these special times with mummy are what memories are made of. When I was a child, my dad worked weekends and was away until late at night my mother and I used to play board games and cards (using smarties as money) unfortuntely I dont think we played many card games as I always used to eat the Smarties!!! Love the polka dot dress. Thanks for stopping by to wish me Happy Bithday X
what a lovely weekend, i love spending time reading with my little boy
felicity xx
It looks like you had a great time!
Very pretty red dress.
Isabelle x
Just found this blog and I liiiiiike! back to read more soon!
Louise x
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