On thursday night i made asparagus with melted brie from a recipe 2 posts ago, it was yummy!! I recommend it.
After we took some of these:
The next day was not so indulgent.
Look what the littlest did!!!!!aggggghhh!! It took me so long to clear it up. Picking up all the coins with bits of glass in between is not fun.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway on the previous post!!
Can't help with the lavender i'm afraid but if you find any then please let me know.
The chocolate strawberries look delicious!
Have a good weekend
Beki xxx
Look on ebay for the lavender, I have ordered some from there before, but I can't remember who it was.
The food looks, and sounds scrummy!!
Enjoy your weekend : )
Sharon xx
Have a look at www.english-hampshire-lavender.co.uk
100g £3.95
kilo £27.75
Now I havent actually ordered from the company but they are very local to me and I have seen them at lots of craft fairs and they were at the christmas country living fair too.
Oh my goodness a bit of a mess with the money must have been a nightmare picking it up as you say. Love the chocolate and the strawberries.....
Have great meal at the veggie restaurant x
Ohh, have a good meal - it's Mothers' Day here tomorrow, so we're going out for lunch then. What a mess it must have been with the money/glass thing - it sounds so much like the kind of things I've had to deal with since having sons...
For lavender maybe you could try this one, it's local to me in Kent. (£3.50/100g).
I haven't been but I read about it in Country Living! Yummy strawberries dipped in chocolate, it reminds me of choc fondue, mmmm! I'm off now to enter your giveaway on the previous post! Thank you! Love Salx
THANKYOU so much for my wonderful friends parcelxx
You should receive yours on Monday
Love Sam xx
Pour you with all the mess but lucky you with the nice snack. Looks so Yummie. Have a great week.
Oh my what a mess! My daughter and I had a good laugh but then we didn't have to clean it up did we? Poor you. Looks like some good spending money though.
ohhh no what a mess!! i cant help with the lavender either...theres no where local for me so i use lavender oil....when it begins to fade you can just top it up again
those little ones certainly keep us on our toes don't they?
It depends how much lavender you need,I bought mine wholsale from Ancient Wisdom, it was £18 for a massive bag full,if you want a smaller amount, I'd say try Ebay, Good Luck!
The strawberries and chocolate look delicious!
Choc dippee strawberries - yummmmm!
Victoria xx
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