Firstly i would like to thank the lovely Mrs cozy home for this award:
If you haven't yet, please visit her lovely blog.

-- Add the award to my blog,
--Link back to the person who nominated me,
--Nominate 7 or more blogs I love,
--And leave a message on their blog telling them.
It is so hard to pick just 7, as if i read or follow your blog then i love it!!
But here goes:
Lissa at Humble pie
Mandy at Live Laugh Love
Sumea at Skipping in the meadow
Bekimarie at The ramblings of an everyday mummy
And Lou at Ludabelle
And heres a big (()) and xxx for all the other blogs that i love to read and fill my days with happiness - Thank you all girls!!!
And i've reached my 100th post i thought i'd have a giveaway.
If you'd like to win this lot and also some bit's for crafting (not pictured) just leave a comment on this post by Thursday 11th June 9am (GMT).
Not pictured: An array of fabrics, ribbons and bits and bobs to have fun with.
Let me know what your favourite thing about summer is.
Make sure you leave your comment on this post.
If you link to me on your blog, i'll put you in twice!!
Good Luck
Thank you for the award sweetie!
As for my favourite thing about Summer, I love it when it's really hot and you find that little bit of cool gentle breeze.
Great giveaway!
Beki xxx
Oh how exciting I have been given two awards in one day! Fantastic thank you so so much xx
Thank you so much for the award and the giveaway looks great! Love the warmth (when we get it!) in summer and the endless trips to the beach to watch the days slip by followed by sipping wine by our ccamp fire. Bliss x
my favorite thing about summer is sitting by one of our open sash windows in the morning supping the first cup of tea in the day...
congrats ont he award!!
Wow! THank you! Thank you! So very much~ xoxo
Congrats on your 100th post!! isn't blogging just so much fun??? What I love about summer, besides sitting in the warm summer air sipping is playing with my son in the water!! cheers to many more posts!!
Congratulations on your award!! (and reaching your 100th post, you're beating me!!!)I will have to blog more this month!!
One of the lovely things about summer is going into my garden either in the morning, or in the evening, and smelling the sweet fragrance of my honeysuckle, it's gorgeous!!
Have a lovely weekend : )
Sharon xx
Double congratulations! I'm really glad to have found your blog. My favourite thing(s) about summer are the sounds and the smells - cicadas, honeysuckle (like Sharon) and barbeques.
wow 100 posts well done :-)
my fav thing about summer is the sound of lawnmowers and the resulting smell of cut grass i love it :-)
actually i just love summer!
Lesley x
Congratulations on your award!!
One of my favourite things about summer is growing lots of lovely veg in my greenhouse, and the smell of freshly cut grass, pimms and picnics, wearing flip flops .... oh! I just love Summer!!!
Being a teacher, this one is easy to answer! My favourite thing about summer is of course the summer holidays and the lovely 6 weeks I then have off from work! To go with it of course, I also love long summer evenings, eating dinner in the garden and family days out to the seaside. Bliss.
Congratulations on your 100th post and thank you for the chance to enter.
My favourite thing about summer is being able to get out in the garden a lot... and of course our summer holiday.
Oh please include me xxxxx
I love all the summer flowers, peonies, roses lupins well there's too long a list really! I love fruit picking and jam making. I love being on the beach, days out to local attractions and picnics and BBQ's with friends.
Congratulations on your award and the 100th posting. Love Salx
Oooh forgot to ask you, did you notice there's a fairies weekend at Groombridge Place next weekend?
Happy 100th post!
The best thing about THIS summer ill be meeting my new baby girl...preferably after a lovely short, and pain free labour!! Haha xx
Thank You so much :o)
This has cheered me up tremendously, I'm looking after sick relatives at the moment and needed a boost.
You totally deserve your award! and as for the Giveaway Wow! so amazingly generous! Please, please put my name in the hat.
Av ery happy 100th post to you' hoping to read hundreds more :o)
just found you via posy's blog and am looking forward to reading all those 100 posts! My absolute favourite thing about summer is the long holiday (am a teacher!) when we can all relax as a family and enjoy sitting in the garden with a bbq..............bliss x
My favourite thing about summer, the different greens everywhere against blue skies and multi coloured flowers..... and smiling faces too
Congrats on your well deserved award!
Lovely giveaway... my fave thing about the Summer is the boot sales obviously!!!!
Victoria xx
100 posts, well done, it goes so fast doesnt it! I need to get on and post about our hols last week but broadband too slow to upload photos!!
My fave thing about summer is going to the beach with my girls an jumping over the foam each time the waves crash onto the sand, fffrrreezing, but fun!
Kirsty x
Congratulations on reaching 100 posts ~ Well Done! The thing I like best about Summer is getting to spend 7 weeks with my children doing lots of fun things:O)
Congrats on your award and reaching your 100 posts :)
My favourite thing about Summer is the all the weeks the smalls get off school. Because we don't have to rush anywhere, we can plan things for any day of the week because there is no school, no after school clubs etc etc. And I'm not even counting the days for them to go back by the end of the holidays. Yes all the other mums at school do think I am mad! :D
I love having the kids home for the summer the best. I miss them when they are at school. I also love the summer food and drinks, fresh veggies, lemonade, sangria :)
Well done on your 100th post :)
Would love to enter you giveaway and thanks for giving me the opportunity.
My favourite thing about Summer would be romantic strolls through country lanes on special balmy evenings.
Wishful thinking, think I read too much Mills and Boon ;)
Congratulations on reaching your 100th post and thanks for the opportunity to win some of your "very English" stuff (this is my first visit)
My favourite thing about summer is the healty glow I get after spending many months under the strip lighting of my office...
Have a great summer!
Congratulations on your 100th post :) My favorite thing about summer is being able to read a good book in the sunshine - bliss.
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