New things:
Ok, this isn't new, but i really want a lovely dressing table - i've had a little look around but haven't found the perfect one yet. I'd like to buy something secondhand that i can paint white.
At the moment i have an mdf desk made by my dad that has a pretty piece of fabric draped over to hide it.
I love sitting at my dressing table - putting my make up on with my lovely things to look at. I love seeing my boys sitting here too, going through my bits or standing on the chair to look out of the window.
My new dollshouse:
I have placed everything in so that i can see what colour schemes i want for the wallpaper/floors.
I think i'm going to go for dark wood effect floors throughout except for the kitchen which will have slate effect floors.
I went to The Range and picked up some of these jars - this one now holds the boys crayons and i have a new one for spare change (remember my youngest smashed our other one a few weeks ago?)
I love this. I change it with my mood.
My eldest decided to make a rain catcher the other day after seeing one on t.v. He asked if he could use a wooden spoon. I said of course. Next i found he had drawn on it and put hair on it to use it as a measurer!! Now this is no ordinary wooden spoon, this is a bamboo Pampered chef spoon!! He said 'but you said i could use it'. I couldn't really argue, i just said he was lucky that i was in a good mood!
My mum went to Brighton and had her colours done (not the clothes this time but using dates and other info to find out your colour personality) She did me and the hubby too and we both came out as blue which means we are a perfect match (always nice to know!)
New mags that have come through the door. I thought i'd share some lovely pages with you:
I love these cushions and coasters.
Look at this lovely studio.
I have placed everything in so that i can see what colour schemes i want for the wallpaper/floors.
I think i'm going to go for dark wood effect floors throughout except for the kitchen which will have slate effect floors.
I liked this idea for a pretty, thrifty sewing box. Great for a childs first sewing kit, i thought.
I love this door stop for a kids room.
I love the spoon :)
What pretty photographs, is making want to go out and buy one of those yummy magazines now ;~)
Have a lovely weekend sounds like you are going to have some fun
Have a fun weekend! loved all those pretty mags. too, now I have the weekend mag urge. oh dear! lol.
Sweet little dolls house and I laughed about the spoon. We have to grit our teeth sometimes don't we!
Cal x
Oh, wow, I have been given a subscrption to Country Living for my birthday (hurray) so the first one will arrive soon. Other than that, I find it best not to look too hard at photos of lovely UK magazines, as I won't find them here! They do look good, though (sigh).
Have a great weekend yourself. IF my elder son is well enough, we're going on a daytrip to a historic town which is hosting a Vide Greniers tomorrow. Pictures on my blog IF it works out!
Noooo not the pampered chef spoon!!!
Have a great weekend,
Victoria x
Hi there!
My faves have to be CL and PL!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Sorry, but it did make me laugh about the spoon!
Have a lovely weekend…love Lou xxx
i love all the pretty mag pictures, some really good ideas there! fliss xx
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