I was ment to be out today :(
We were taking the boys to my husbands work do in Islington, but the littlest woke up with a really bad belly (if you know what i mean!!)
So the eldest went with my hubby and i have been stuck in with the little one, not doing much else but rushing to the toilet, changing nappies and cleaning poo from the carpet!! oh...the joys of motherhood!!
When he went down for a nap i decided to a have a look round blogland to chill myself out.
I saw a meme on
Victorias blog.
I cannot resist memes!!!
Join in if you want too. :)
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Seeing as i don't eat eggs it would have to be
hot chocolate. I love a yummy mug of hot
choccy and have at least one a day in the cold

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them
under the tree?
When i was younger the tradition was that 1 or
2 big presents were left unwrapped by the
fireplace from Santa, i've carried that tradition on for
my boys and me and my hubbie give all the
other presents wrapped up under the tree.
3. Coloured lights on tree/house or white?
Has to be white.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
If i see some, i'll get it, but i won't go
hunting. We don't have any up ths year.
5. When do you put your decorations up?
The first weekend of December usually, this
year they went up on 1st Dec which was a
Tuesday (i couldn't wait till the 5th!!)
6. What is your favorite Christmas dish?
I love to have all the trimmings with my
veggie roast...stuffing, roast potatoes,
parsnips, carrots, cauliflower cheese and my
mother in laws mushy swede and always with
gravy and some cranberry sauce. i think my
fave food at x'mas has to be mince pies
though...i eat loads!

7. Favorite Christmas memory as a child?
Coming down the stairs to find out if santa
had been.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about
I asked my mum when i was about 8 if he was
real because some friends were saying that
they didn't believe.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
No, it is a nice tradition though. I sometimes
let my boys open a gift....normally pj's,
slippers or a dressing gown.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
It has been the same for years, red baubles
and lots of mismatch deccies that we have
collected over the years, plus handmade bits
from the kids.
11. Snow! Love it or dread it
Hmmm..a bit of both, i love the look of it
when it falls and i like crunching through
first fallen snow, but i hate the
cold!!!!!!!!!!! and when snow turns brown and
12. Can you ice skate?
Yes, but not as well as i used to.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
As a child i was most excited when i got my
ala carte kitchen when i was about 4.
14. What’s the most important thing about
Christmas for you?
Sitting down to christmas dinner with family
and recieving cards.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
ooo i said that before...mince pies with
brandy butter.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Decorating the tree with the 2 little boys and
my husband, with hot choc, mince pies and
music and then my hubby picking the boys up to
put the star on the tree....its like something
out of a film, i love it!

17. What tops your tree?
A glittery silver star.
18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?
I do like recieving if i've given a
list....but if not, people just never get what
i want right!! lol,
i don't like presents that most
people would want. (I think thats why i like swaps in blogland so much, as we all pretty much like the same kind of things).I love giving..thats the
most exciting part for me..buying them,
wrapping and then seeing peoples faces.
19. Candy Canes?
I don't like to eat them myself, but i love
them for decoration.
20. Favorite Christmas Show?
Old repeated christmas films.
21. Saddest Christmas Song?
Lonely This Christmas..took that one from
Victoria as couldn't think of any.
22. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
ooo lots....rockin around the christmas tree,
santa baby, any fun dancy one.
I probably won't post now until after christmas...so Merry Christmas to you all!!!! Have a good one.